Don't adopt fake personality to impress someone

According to me impression is a component which directly or indirectly plays an important role in everyone's life. Don't you think so?

From birth to death every human wants to impress someone . Yes, it is true that with time that someone gets change but their struggle to impress someone never ends. Let's take an example of  kid , he tries to impress people who are surround him by his cute smile , when he starts going to school he tries to impress his friends and his teachers, then in college he tries to impress his crush and his mates , after that at time of placement he tries to impress placements cell, after that if he gets job he tries to impress his boss for promotion , after that he tries to impress his soulmate , after that when death comes near him, he tries to impress god so that he can enjoy heaven . Means his struggle to impress someone never ends . Don't you think your life is also like this ? At present also you might want to impress someone?

But don't you think to impress someone we adopt a fake personality which is not ours? To impress someone why we become a person which we never want to be ? Are we ashamed of ourselves or our personality ? Or do we think that noone will be impressed by our real personality ?

In simple words , to impress someone why we become a person which is different from person which is inside us?

According to me all these struggles to impress someone is all in vain because if we ourselves aren't impressed by fake personality which we adopt then how can we expect someoneesle to get impressed by us. Can't we adopt real  personality which is inbuilt in us . With time we can upgrade it , won't it be better idea ?

See, even I also don't know how to impress someone but what I think is that let's accept our real personality and let's first try to impress ourselves and don't care about someoneesle.

Whenever you get confused or upset just remember one thing that everything gonna be alright.

It's true that this article was somewhat confusing but I hope you all might have got it what I am trying to say . If you want to suggest something you can, because this was just my point of view that I had expressed, possibly I might be wrong so it would be worthwhile if you can share your views with me.


  1. this mechanism is a way for humans being to be "accepted" by the group, it is really primal. loved this article


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