Does time travellers exists or not ?

First of all , let me explain that what the term "time traveller" means. Time traveller is a person who can travel to past and future from present. You all might have ones in your life wished to travel your past or future . Isn't it?

You all might be thinking that is it possible or not? According to science, time travel doesn't exists. Or we can say even science is also confused  about this . But according to me, time travellers exists .

Yes, they exists and everyday millions of people do time travelling. Oh sorry! not millions of people but trillions of people do time travelling everyday and every second . Let me , make it more clear. Suppose you are spending your one evening in the park. There you found children playing a game which you were also playing in your childhood . At that time , for a while you will go back to your childhood . Isn't it true?

Take another case , if you saw a person who is very rich with ten Ferrari and hundreds of servant behind him . At that time , won't you start thinking about your future ? For a while you will be in your future . Isn't it true?

So like this trillions of people do time travelling everyday  and it might be possible that you are one of them . So yes, time travelling is possible .

But according to me , there is no need to be time traveller. Because past had gone and future is yet to come then why should we waste our time on thinking about that dirty shits. See, our main business is not to see what lies dimly at distance , but to do what lies clearly at hands.

Lastly , I would like to say that just delete all your past memories which hurts you and don't worry about future. Just enjoy your life by living it in present because life  is not rehearsal.


  1. Pehle Laga ki ye thoda scientific hoga fir seedha philosophy me chala gaya

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  2. absolutely right...future jevu kai hotuj chhe e present chhe

  3. I strongly believe that time travelers exist even, in that case I think they come back to relive good memories with their family members who maybe died in the future. Nice article

  4. Intriguing question, Aayush. I'd say yes; more talk of wormholes and time travel, these days.


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