Biggest solution to your problems

Do you have any problem in your life?
Some of you might say yes or no. But the fact is that every person has some problem in his/her life. Each and every day we face some new problem and we put our whole effort in finding in it's solution . But reality is that every problem is born with it's solution so there is no need to find solution. 

Problem is another name of life. Can you imagine a life without any problem ? Life without problem would become boring . Let take one example if you went to watch a movie and you found that in story of that  movie everything is going on well and hero hasn't to face any problem , no villian is there . That story had happy starting and ending , ask yourself would you like that type of movie. Obviously you will fall asleep in between of that movie . So thing is that problem is just part of life . 

You will notice that whenever you overcome any problem that problem had taught you something new and had enriched you with some valuable knowledge . Look into your past and think about your problem that you faced at that time , every problem gets solved with time and none of the problem had been left unsolved . 

Every person has some problem in life and each and every day  is full of problem so let's face any problem with keeping a  smile on our face  and believe me that smile will  solve half of your problem.( This content is inspired from the Bhagwat Gita).


  1. Life is a problem and We live to solve it.. 👍 Good one.. keep it up bro,

  2. Yes It is truth , life is just like puzzle if u solve it ;
    You will enjoy it well but if cant than it will become a punishment.


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