'Place like heaven or hell doesn't exists' : Yamraj

Hey guys, I know you all are afraid of me but wait a second, do I really exists ?

 Yes, I do . My appearance is not like that you all had seen in movies and TV serials. I know TV serials had ruined my image, but reality is something different. People think  I am a accountant who keeps all the records of your bad and good deeds and according to your good deeds and bad deeds I decides , whether you deserve heaven or hell. Place like heaven or hell doesn't exist and I am not a accountant. I am inside everyone.

Have you ever noticed that when you do good deeds you feel some different happiness and when you do some bad deeds you feel guilt inside yourself ? When you do good deed , at that time only I give you a reward in form of happiness and those small small happiness can collectively make your world a heaven . But when you do bad deeds, I ask you to convert those bad deeds into good deeds, so you can also make your world a heaven. But if someone do bad deeds, over again and again then I don't punish them, I just try to warn them that they themselves are making their world a hell.

People think that things like money, cars, and luxurious house can make their world a heaven but is it so ? Reality is that you yourself are responsible for the world that you are living in. You can make it heaven or hell, it's in your hands. Reality is that you yourself are Yamraj who will decide whether your world will be heaven or hell .

Now, the main question is that how to decide which deeds are goods and which deeds are bad ?  There is one simple answer, ask yourself at every moment that whatever you are doing is good or bad . If you get answer that it's wrong then don't do that and you will step towards the heaven or if you want to do that thing then it's your choice .


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