Finding Wahrheit- Episode 3

Hello guys! In the last episode I asked you to solve one riddle. Have you tried that riddle ? Last episode’s riddle was as given below : - World’s fastest supercomputer needs me and I am because of who we are. Tell me who I am ? So the answer for this riddle is Ubuntu. World’s fastest supercomputer uses Ubuntu and the word ‘Ubuntu’ means I am because of who we are. When I started this series I thought that I would maintain consistency but due to some reasons I got demotivated. My last episode got just 20-30 views. So this was the biggest reason due to which I got demotivated. Ok let it be, I am writing this blog to help people who are facing problems like me, so if someone's life would get affected by 1% by reading this blog, then also it would be a great achievement for me.So, lets come to the point, in this episode I am going to share with you one silly mistake that I made on linkedin. Last month, I saw many people posting that they have successfully complet...