Letter to God from a child

Dear god ,

Yesterday I was passing through the temple with my uncle. I saw that many people were gathered on the road. They were capturing videos and photos. I thought that there might be a magician  who might entertaining everyone with his tricks. Uncle also parked his vehicle beside the road. He asked me to sit under a tree until he comes back. He also joined that crowd. 

I was eager to see that magician, so I went there. When I joined that crowd, I came to know that there was no magician. People were capturing video and photos of car which was badly damaged. I noticed that there were three persons inside that car who were badly injured and they were shouting for help. There were hundreds of people but no one helped them. I was searching for my uncle so that I can ask uncle to help them. I went to my uncle and I pulled his shirt and said him to help them, but uncle became angry on me. He pulled me out of that crowd and he shouted and he said that we can’t do anything because if we did anything we have to face police and if something happen to them what will we do. I didn’t know what uncle was saying. He scolded me and he asked me not to go anywhere until he comes back. I was asking you to help them because I had heard that you always help everyone and you listen to everyone. So I prayed but you didn’t help them. I thought that you might be busy somewhere else .After one hour one white coloured van having blue siren on its top came. From that van, some men came out of that van and they removed those persons from that car and loaded them in that van. But I noticed that those persons were no longer asking for help and they were sleeping. One of those men covered those persons' red blooded face and body with white cloth.

God, I promise that I will do my homework on time and I will not eat chocolates for a week but please make me a strong boy so that I can help others. I don’t know why those hundreds of people were not helping them. My teacher says that you have two hands, one to help yourself, the second to help others. So, god please tell everyone to use their second hand also.

Thank you,

Yours sincerely,



  1. Best line (second hand for helping others)

  2. Wah Bhai wahπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  3. Good job Aayush . Keep it up

  4. Nice story written by little boy

  5. One Of Best LineπŸ‘My teacher says that you have two hands, one to help yourself, the second to help others. So, god please tell everyone to use their second hand also.

  6. I prey my god to be such as an innocent child who want to help everyone without fail.nice article. Keep it up my boy.


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