Finding Wahrheit- Episode 3

 Hello guys! In the last episode I asked you to solve one riddle. Have you tried that riddle ?

Last episode’s riddle was as given below : - 

World’s fastest supercomputer needs me and I am because of who we are. Tell me who I am ? 

So the answer for this riddle is Ubuntu. World’s fastest supercomputer uses Ubuntu and the word ‘Ubuntu’ means I am because of who we are.

When I started this series I thought that I would maintain consistency but due to some reasons I got demotivated. My last episode got just 20-30 views. So this was the biggest reason due to which I got demotivated. Ok let it be, I am writing this blog to help people who are facing problems like me, so if someone's life would get affected by 1% by reading this blog, then also it would be a great achievement for me.So, lets come to the point, in this episode I am going to share with you one silly mistake that I made on linkedin. 

Last month, I saw many people posting that they have successfully completed their GSoC. I started thinking that I would participate in GSoC 2021, but I was really very confused at that time, so I did the most silly thing that will make you laugh and you may judge me based upon that thing. But really, I don’t care about what others are thinking about me. 

So, I started making connections with those who have participated in GSoC 2020 and I started texting them. See, building connections with someone and asking some silly questions is not a big deal, you should do this. But you should never do the thing that I did. Firstly, I asked them many silly questions. I asked them how I should start contributing to open source and how I should select organization. This was not a big deal. But atlast I asked them to make me their student and I told them that I will do everything that you will ask me to do just to help me in cracking GSoC. When I asked them to make me their student, most of them never replied and some of them replied but they scolded me for this kind of attitude. So guys, never ever make this mistake, if you are not sure that you can do it, then how would others ever trust you.

I made this mistake because there was a lack of confidence in myself, and there was greed in me to participate in GSoC. Guys, we should never be ashamed to ask something, but never ask the thing that I asked. Everyone is ready to help you, but no one is ready to take responsibility for you. You should never depend on someone to take responsibility for yourself. You are the only person, who is responsible for the place where you are, so never blame anyone or anything for your failure. 

I know that it’s a difficult journey, but if it would be easy, everyone would have achieved it. You will face many failures everyday but you should keep on trying. This is the only way to win. Your success doesn’t depend upon your intelligence, it depends upon your hard work and consistency. So never give up.

Guys, I hope you liked this blog. If you liked this blog, please try to share it, so that we can help each other. If you want to contribute to episodes of this series, you can contact me. Never be ashamed to help someone, if you think your ideas will help someone, then just go for it and don’t care about what others will think about you. If you want me to make some changes then also you can leave a comment. 

In the next episode, we will talk about how we should maintain balance between other things (like Competitive programming,Studies,Projects,etc) and GSoC. 

Today’s mantra :- Intelligence may betray you, but hard work will never. 

Today’s riddle:- I am in the head of every IT guy, the whole world uses me and I have one boss who wears glasses and is beautiful. Can you guess who am I ? (Hint:- Think about the Alphabet).


  1. It was great I m eagerly waiting for the next part
    I really want to know how to maintain balance between competitive programming, contributing to open source program, other studies and lastly developing some soft skills ..
    How to manage time for all this?

  2. Your experience gave me a great knowledge.
    Thanks bhai.


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