Do you want to be a superhero?

What do you meant by word “superhero”? Have you ever wished to be like spider-man, batman or superman?

According to superman and spider-man movies, we can say superhero is the person who has supernatural power and he uses that power to help others. Some of you may believe that superheroes are just in movies and they don’t exist in reality. But believe me, superheroes are everywhere but to see that superheroes you just have to change your attitude. Even you can be one of those heroes. But do you think to be superhero you need some supernatural power and that costume?

Let me tell you story of one man who doesn’t have any supernatural power or he doesn’t wear any fancy costume like superman or spider-man, though he is superhero for millions of children. Do you know Kailash Satyarthi? I guess many of you may not know about this superhero because he doesn’t wear any fancy costume. Let me tell you. By profession, he was electrical engineer and he was working in one local company. One day, he was going to work and he noticed one small boy working with his cobbler father shining shoes at school gate. He was disturbed deeply by this scene. From that day he decided to do something. He gave up his profession and he started one small NGO to do something for children who are victim of child labour and child exploitation. He opened up many free schools for children and he started one global movement known as Bachpan Bachao Andolan. He spent his whole life in serving those children and he had liberated more than 83,000 children from exploitation and developed a successful model for their education, rehabilitation and reintegration into mainstream society. In 2014, he won nobel prize for peace. There are many superheroes like him who are not like spider-man or superman but are far better than them.  Even you can be a superhero.

Kailash Satyarthi

 If you donate small part of your salary to some needy people, then those people will considered you as their superhero. If you saved someone’s life by donating your blood, then for that person you are superhero. If you are a teacher and you are performing your job sincerely, then your students may consider you as their superhero.  So to be a superhero there is no need of any costume or any power. Just help someone who needs you without expecting anything from them and your dream will come true and you will become a superhero.


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