One magical word

You all might have heard about three magical word but have you ever heard about one magical word ? I think you might haven't heard about this word and you might be thinking that does this word exist ? But believe me it really exist and that word is most powerful word in this world .

But what is that magical word ? Have you ever fought with with your friends ? Have you ever fought with your parents ? Have you ever fought with someone you loves most ? When your fights get end what you say to that person with whom you were fighting or what that person says to you ?

That word is “sorry”. Isn't it ? Think carefully , most of your fights get end with this word only . But if we get proper manual for the usage of this word “ sorry” then no fights would ever take place.

See , I don't know the exact reason behind the world wars but according to me , if at that time people might have used this word then there might be no wars . Lakhs of families lost there members and atlast what was the conclusion ?

Let it be it's history and we can't change it but what we can change is our present by just throwing our ego in bin and by knowing the usage of “sorry”. So that the thing which happened in past may not happens again in future.

Do you know , how to get rid of any guilt ? I guess many of you might have some guilt and it hurts most . Isn't it ? So simple way to get rid of that guilt is to confess that mistake that you had done by just keeping smile on your face and by using our magical word . Believe me , it's works .

It's true that all the time “sorry” doesn't works but most of time it works . Just try to do this experiment and you will find that most of your conflicts would get solve .


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