Are you a slave ?

It is a bitter truth that we all are slave of something . Think carefully . Isn't it true ?

Each and every person on this Earth is a slave. Someone are aware about it and someone aren't . We think only person who are poor are to be count as slave , but my dear it's not reality it's just sign of your incomplete knowledge .

In today's world everyone are addicted to something. Isn't it ? Someone are addicted to alcohol , someone are addicted to social media (especially Facebook and Instagram) and someone are addicted to money. Similarly there are many addiction to which people are been addicted . See, being addicted to something is not a bad thing but with time that addiction get converted into slavery . You might not agree with me . So let me show you one example .

If I ask you not to use any social media for a week . Will you be able to complete this task? I think you can't . Even I can't . It's a sad reality that Mark Zuckerberg had made us his slaves. Isn't it ?

Can we get rid of all this ? Yes, you can . My dear nothing is impossible in this world . Just the thing which we want to overcome is faith in ourselves . Even I am also trying to overcome this and I know I will . Yes, it's true that it's a difficult task but I will and even you can also . But the question is how ?

I had found one trick to reduce the usage of social media . I changed my  Instagram password and I kept my book isbn code as my password and that password is difficult to remember . After usage of it, I get logout of it so whenever I have to login again I have to see that book's isbn code which will be not available to me all the time. I don't know will this trick work properly or not ? But I have faith in myself I will overcome this.  Similarly if we have faith in ourselves we can easily overcome this shits or any kind of slavery .

Similarly , many people are slave of alcohol and cigarettes . They think they can't overcome this addiction but it's wrong . Yes, it's quite difficult but possible . There are many ways through which we can overcome this problem but for that we have to first take some steps which will be against our wishes.

Remember one thing nothing is impossible and nothing is as mighter than your faith . So let's bring our hands together to overcome all kind of slavery. Let's be master of ourselves .

If you want to express your view on this, then please mention it in comment box .


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