Does time travellers exists or not ?

First of all , let me explain that what the term "time traveller" means. Time traveller is a person who can travel to past and future from present. You all might have ones in your life wished to travel your past or future . Isn't it? You all might be thinking that is it possible or not? According to science, time travel doesn't exists. Or we can say even science is also confused about this . But according to me, time travellers exists . Yes, they exists and everyday millions of people do time travelling. Oh sorry! not millions of people but trillions of people do time travelling everyday and every second . Let me , make it more clear. Suppose you are spending your one evening in the park. There you found children playing a game which you were also playing in your childhood . At that time , for a while you will go back to your childhood . Isn't it true? Take another case , if you saw a person who is very rich with ten Ferrari and hundreds of servant behind ...