Are you stupid ?

What do you mean by word 'stupid’ ? Have you ever met someone who is stupid ? According to you,who is stupid person ? There are many stupid person around you and you might be a stupid for someoneelse. Isn't it true ? I had asked many people that what do you mean by stupid and many times I had also googled it . I found one common definition that a person who is doing weird things is stupid or a person who is doing things which normal person never do is stupid . Due to this definition of stupid , I became more confused and I was asking myself one question that who is that normal person . Do you know who is that normal person ? Do you think, you are normal ? It's a complicated question. Isn't it ? I thought alot about this question and atlast I came to one conclusion that noone in this world is normal or abnormal . Because it may be possible that someone might be abnormal for you and you might be abnormal for that person . The thing which you are doing m...