'Place like heaven or hell doesn't exists' : Yamraj

Hey guys, I know you all are afraid of me but wait a second, do I really exists ? Yes, I do . My appearance is not like that you all had seen in movies and TV serials. I know TV serials had ruined my image, but reality is something different. People think I am a accountant who keeps all the records of your bad and good deeds and according to your good deeds and bad deeds I decides , whether you deserve heaven or hell. Place like heaven or hell doesn't exist and I am not a accountant. I am inside everyone. Have you ever noticed that when you do good deeds you feel some different happiness and when you do some bad deeds you feel guilt inside yourself ? When you do good deed , at that time only I give you a reward in form of happiness and those small small happiness can collectively make your world a heaven . But when you do bad deeds, I ask you to convert those bad deeds into good deeds, so you can also make your world a heaven. But if someone do bad deeds, over again and...