Are you a slave ?

It is a bitter truth that we all are slave of something . Think carefully . Isn't it true ? Each and every person on this Earth is a slave. Someone are aware about it and someone aren't . We think only person who are poor are to be count as slave , but my dear it's not reality it's just sign of your incomplete knowledge . In today's world everyone are addicted to something. Isn't it ? Someone are addicted to alcohol , someone are addicted to social media (especially Facebook and Instagram) and someone are addicted to money. Similarly there are many addiction to which people are been addicted . See, being addicted to something is not a bad thing but with time that addiction get converted into slavery . You might not agree with me . So let me show you one example . If I ask you not to use any social media for a week . Will you be able to complete this task? I think you can't . Even I can't . It's a sad reality that Mark Zuckerberg had made u...