How to activate your sixth sense?

'sixth sense' what do you mean by this word? Some of you might be thinking that it is a special kind of power through which we can predict our future . But according to me nothing like this ever exists. If sixth sense exists then also I don't want it . Because we humanbeings are not using five sense properly ,then what is need of sixth one. We all should be thankful to God that he has gifted us all five sense and which are in proper conditions . But do you really use these senses properly? Ask yourself..... If thing like sixth sense exists then also first step to activate it would be to use all five senses in proper way. Now let's see how to use our senses properly. One of the most beautiful sense organ is eyes. But we don't know how to use it. If every person will learn how to use this sense then no more rape would ever take place. So best way to use this sense is to use it in some beautiful way which can't harm anyone. One of the most powerful ...