Difference between winner and looser
Today's life had became race where large number of people are running to achieve something great. As life is a race,it means whether you will win it or loose it. Many people think they are looser and you might be one of those . But my dear in reality there is no existence of winning or loosing something. As in gita Krishna had said you had came with nothing and you will not take anything with yourself from this world. Then why we are afraid of loosing something? Winning and loosing is just a mirage which is being setup in our mind so first we have to took it off from our mind. Never think you are looser , the day you think you are looser you become that only. So it just bloody web which hijack our mind and finally person get caught in it and finally loose his hope and at a time when he/she loose his/her hope he/she became looser. So where there is a hope there is a way. Today I am going to show you difference between winner and looser after that ask yourself whether you are real...